Adept Deck Builders in Oakland give Tips on Proper Deck Construction

Having a deck can ramp your abode’s aesthetics up significantly. After all, you can have many more opportunities for social interaction and provide a quiet place for your family to gaze at the stars under the clear Oakland night sky. Before you start ringing up a local contractor, though, it is best to keep in mind a couple of crucial elements. Professional deck builders in Oakland such as Schafer Construction Inc. also take these things into account.

Expert Tips

Location and Function

Whether you require an outdoor space for hosting barbecue parties or prefer to have a strategic vantage point on your front porch where you can observe goings-on in the street, location and function give the builder a better idea of the kind of structure that will suit your purposes.

When talking about location, in particular, you need to decide whether you prefer a single- or multi-level deck—especially if you’ve got a steep slope on your property, which can prove quite challenging design-wise. By making the right choice, you can significantly boost your home’s curb appeal. A multi-leveled deck, for example, complements a home’s front yard as it gives it a bit more depth.


Once the location and function are taken into the equation, the next step would be to choose the right materials for your deck. Companies like Schafer Construction Inc. typically suggest treated cedar, redwood, and other traditional wood varieties that are sturdy and provide an irresistibly rustic finish. Indeed, the same materials are also perfect for home bridge driveways in Oakland. Meanwhile, although synthetic materials like vinyl offer an affordable alternative to its wooden counterparts, the finished product often greatly differs in aesthetic value. In the end, however, the choice of material would depend on your particular tastes and also budget.

Finally, be sure to choose an experienced deck building and installation company—such as Schafer Construction Inc., for instance—to ensure optimum results. Such a company not only uses the finest materials but also works with utmost efficiency and according to the highest quality standards. With the right builder on board, your home can be the perfect embodiment of style and function.

(Source: Expert Tips to Consider before You Build,

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